The Last Of Us 2: 10 Saddest QuoteS Ranked

The Last of Us 2 is a heart-wrenching game and these are its saddest quotes. Get your tissues ready.

Since the release of The Last of Us 2, it’s been extremely hard to forget about. Surpassing The Witcher 3 to become the most awarded game in history, this PlayStation Exclusive has been the hot topic of conversation.

The series is known to deliver some heart-wrenchingly raw moments as characters get candid in the post-apocalyptic world. With spoilers laying ahead, be prepared to be moved and grab some tissues, as these saddest quotes are sure to get you itching to play the game all over again.

10. “I Didn’t Want To Be A Burden-“ – “Well, You’re A Burden Now, Aren’t You?”

After Dina reveals to Ellie that she’s pregnant, Ellie didn’t hold back on how she truly felt. Although was this completely her fault?

This part of the game is particularly stinging and it’s a small sign of the start of Ellie’s deterioration as her mind is overwhelming her, which leads to her inevitable decline. Her personality is changing without her even realizing, due to grief and anger. Ultimately, Ellie is saying things that she wouldn’t normally say to the ones that she loves.

9. “If I Were To Lose You, I’d Surely Lose Myself.”

Despite Joel’s lack of dialogue, this early scene is an extremely memorable moment in the game. Singing to Ellie a cover of Future Days by Pearl Jam, it is nothing but completely truthful for their relationship that initially blossomed from something so unexpectedly small.

Later on into the game and sadly after Joel’s death, Ellie sings this song alone in the cinema, repeating the line, “If I were to lose you, I’d truly lose myself,” as she reminisces about Joel.

8. “I Don’t Want To Lose You.”

At the start of her decline, Ellie gets candid with Dina, confessing how she made Nora talk. The scene where Ellie kills Nora is a pivotal moment in the game that shows how overwhelmed Ellie is with thinking she’s right to pursue Abby and how she seeks revenge for the loss of Joel.

Confessing to Dina her true feelings shows that Ellie is conflicted about her choices; whether this is to pursue killing Abby or to stay with Dina. This conflicting decision ultimately is the reason why Dina leaves Ellie with her choices at the end of The Last of Us 2.

7. “We Have A Family. She Doesn’t Get To Be More Important Than That.”

Dina pleads for Ellie to stay after Joel’s brother, Tommy, convinces her to finally kill Abby once and for all, after a long-awaited sighting of her. Ellie seemed content with living in the farmhouse with Dina and her baby until a saddening moment showed the mental trauma that she still faced from Joel’s death and how it still affects her.

Dina wants Ellie to stay and worries that she might get killed. Ellie’s mind is conflicted on the choice but ultimately ventures with the intention to kill Abby for what she thinks will be the final time. Ellie chooses revenge on Abby over her and Dina’s relationship.

6. “Making A Vaccine… Would Have Killed You. So I Stopped Them.” – “I’ll Go Back. But We’re Done.”

“If you lie to me one more time, I’m gone. You will never see me again. But if you tell me the truth, I’ll go back to Jackson. No matter what it is.” – Ellie

This is one of the longest awaited moments of the series as Joel confesses the truth to Ellie about her immunity. Her reaction is not one of thanks. Yet, you can’t blame Ellie for being angry and you can’t blame Joel for lying.

Despite keeping her promise to go back to Jackson, Ellie has a grudge against Joel as he lied to her. With the fate of Joel’s character, this quote is especially saddening, as it’s an accumulation of sore moments that makes you believe that Ellie and Joel had unresolved problems before he was killed, which wasn’t the case.

5. “You Killed My Friends. We Let You Live And You Wasted It!

Despite what your opinions might be of her, Abby is no stranger to loss. The game centers around Ellie’s goal of getting revenge for the death of Joel by hunting down Abby and killing those around her along the way.

After Joel killed Abby’s dad to save Ellie’s life in The Last Of Us and Ellie killing her friends in The Last Of Us 2, Abby is left completely alone. If this wasn’t enough, Ellie proceeds with the hope to kill Abby in the final parts of the video game. You can feel Abby’s raw emotion of loss in this dramatic scene of the game.

4. “He Had No Right-” – “And You Do? I Don’t Need Your F***Ing Help, Joel.”

With what was originally thought of as one of the last encounters between Ellie and Joel, this quote comes with a heavy burden as players dare to continue thinking that the last conversation between these extremely loveable characters was one of anger.

Joel was instantly at Ellie’s defence as she was labelled a “Dyke” after she and Dina shared a kiss in the public space. Despite Joel having only good intentions, Ellie was quick to respond to Joel’s comment regarding the lack of help that she needs to defend herself. With onlookers watching and knowing the situation escalated quickly and unintentionally, it made this scene extremely difficult to watch. An embarrassed Joel quickly exits the situation and leaves Ellie contemplating her harsh comments.

3. “Joel, Get Up. Joel, F***Ing Get Up. Please Stop!”

In undoubtedly the saddest and most heart-wrenching cutscene of the entire game, Ellie pleads for Joel’s life. Joel lays struggling for his life as Abby stands above him in the most unforgettable scene of the game.

Joel, arguably the best character of the series, is much loved and his loss had a huge impact on The Last of Us series, which ultimately brought up the controversial decisions of people’s thoughts on the game. Having always protected others around him, there finally came a time where he was unable to protect himself.

2. “Go. Just Take Him.”

Here, Ellie is simply left ill in defeat. The long hours of gameplay led up to this moment to which Ellie thought she was doing this for the better of herself and to revenge Joel.

Ellie shows evident signs of PTSD which became overwhelming at some points. She breaks down in this almost final scene in which she breathlessly tells Abby to leave with Lev, after saving them from starvation and dehydration as they were hung and left to die. Despite the fact that Ellie was close to getting what she thought she always wanted, which was to kill Abby, she let her go free as she sat defeated with emotion.

1. “If Somehow The Lord Gave Me A Second Chance At That Moment… I Would Do It All Over Again.”

“I was supposed to die in that hospital. My life would’ve f***ing mattered. But you took that from me.” – Ellie

This heart-wrenching final scene had us crying our eyes out. With heartbreaking moments leading up to this point, players were left thinking that Joel and Ellie’s last conversation was one of the underlying issues and hatred, so this was the perfect final conversation that we could have hoped for.

As Ellie says to Joel that she would like to try and forgive him, it’s obvious to both Joel and Ellie how much their relationship means to each other in this father-daughter-like relationship.

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